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Create a custom flow

In this step we will configure a custom flow that will be triggered by the custom catalog item and use the custom action that we just developed to create a YubiKey shipment.

Flow properties

On the ServiceNow home screen, search for flow designer.

Click Flow Designer, a new window should open.

Configuration menu

Once the Flow Designer page opens, click the Create new button, then select Flow.

Configuration menu

A menu will appear to configure the action's properties. Use the following values to initialize your action.

  • Flow name: YubiEnterprise create shipment
  • Description: Create a new YubiKey shipment order
  • Application: YubiEnterprise Delivery App
  • Use the defaults for the remaining properties

Flow properties

Click Submit.

Add flow trigger

Next, we're going to add a trigger. This will be the mechanism that will be used to start the flow. In our case, the trigger will be the custom catalog item that we built earlier.

First, click the + Add a trigger button.

Add a trigger button

A menu should appear to search for a trigger. Search for service catalog and select Service Catalog. This option can also be found in the Application category.

Service catalog trigger option

Once selected, press Done.

Add the form variables

Next we will ingest the custom form values that we created when the catalog item was created.

First click the + Add an Action, Flow Logic, or Subflow button.

Next click Action. When the menu appears, search for get catalog variables, and select Get Catalog Variables.

get catalog variables

Once the new menu appears, drag the Request Item Record data pill from the Data table on the right into the Submitted Request.

For the Template input, search for yubikey and select YubiKey (this will refer to the custom catalog item template that we previously created).

Use the right facing arrow to move the following fields to the column on the right

  • phone_number
  • street address
  • apt_or_unit
  • city
  • postal_code
  • region_state
  • country_code
  • yubikey_model

Your form variables menu should look like the example below.

final get catalog variables

Once ready, press Done.

Add the action

Next we're going to make a call to the action that we configured earlier.

First click the + Add an Action, Flow Logic, or Subflow button.

Next click Action. When the menu appears, search for yubienterprise create shipment, and select YubiEnterprise create shipment.

add action

Next we're going to map information about the user and data collected from the catalog item to the action inputs. For each input, you will add a data pill from the Data table on the right to the correlated action input.

Use the table below to correlate the correct data pill, or hardcoded input to a label.

LabelSection > Data pill or default value
Delivery Type1
Country Code 2Get Catalog Variable > country_code
RecipientTrigger > Requested Item Record > Requested for > Name
Recipient EmailTrigger > Requested Item Record > Requested for > Email
Recipient FirstnameTrigger > Requested Item Record > Requested for > First Name
Recipient LastnameTrigger > Requested Item Record > Requested for > Last Name
Recipient TelephoneGet Catalog Variable > phone_number
Street Line 1Get Catalog Variable > street_address
Street Line 2Get Catalog Variable > apt_or_unit
CityGet Catalog Variable > city
RegionGet Catalog Variable > region_state
Postal CodeGet Catalog Variable > postal_code
Product IDGet Catalog Variable > yubikey_model
Inventory Product ID[Your subscription or perpetual order ID*]
Shipment Product QuantityTrigger > Requested Item Record > Quantity

The inventory product ID will vary based on your YubiEnterprise order. Please consult this list to determine which inventory product ID is most relevant to your organization.

The correct item will resemble the subscription used by your organization.

You may call the GET /inventory endpoint for a full list of inventory product IDs associated to your organization.

Your action input mappings menu should look like the example below.

add action final

Click Done

Activate the flow

Next we're going to activate the flow, and get our custom catalog item to trigger it when a new request is made.

First, click the Save button at the top of the screen. Once the flow is done saving click Activate.

save and activate

Next, return to the main ServiceNow menu, and navigate back to the Catalog Builder.

Catalog menu item

Open your YubiKey catalog item, either through the Recently updated items menu, or the Catalog items tab at the top of the page.

Edit item

A menu may appear showing information about your catalog item. Click the Edit catalog item button.

Edit ite menu

Using the navigation menu on the left, click on Fulfillment.

Once in the Fulfillment tab, we're going to change the Selected flow value to YubiEnterprise create shipment.

Change fulfillment

Click Save.

Once the change has been saved, click Continue to Review and Submit. When ready, click Submit.

A menu indicating that the save was successful will appear. Click Return to dashboard, or simply return to the main ServiceNow menu.

Test the flow

Now that we have everything configured, let's attempt to create a shipment using our catalog item.

Return to the main ServiceNow menu. Once back on the home screen, search for Service Catalog.

Search service catalog

Once in the Service Catalog click into either Hardware or Peripherals.

Search service catagories

Once in either Hardware or Peripherals menu, look for the YubiKey option.

In category menu

Click into the YubiKey item.

Once in the YubiKey item, populate the form with shipment information using either the table below, or your own personal/office information.

Who is this request for{current user}
When do you need this?Today
Phone Number5555555555
Street address5201 Great America Pkwy
Apt or Unit ##122
CitySanta Clara
Postal Code95054
Country Code 2US
RecipientExample Inc.
YubiKey modelYubiKey 5 NFC

Your form should look like the example below.

Sample order

Once your information is added, click Order Now.

If you return to your YubiEnterprise Console, your new order should appear with the information that was provide in the form. If an order did not appear, then something may have gone wrong. Go into the Flow Execution history to troubleshoot.

Delete the test order


After every test it is important that you delete any orders directly in the YubiEnterprise Console - See more information here - Cancelling Your Test Orders


If an order successfully appeared in your YubiEnterprise Console, then you have completed this guide! You now have the necessary tools to use ServiceNow to order a YubiKey, and can extend this example to meet your specific design. user, and business requirements.